Archive | February, 2012

Vocab. Let’s Build Together!

29 Feb

Today’s word is Agita.

Pronounced aj-i-tuh.

It’s a Noun. 

It’s means: agitation and/or anxiety.

How can you use this word in “real life”?

All of the preparation for the LSAT exam gave Sally agita.

Word Source: Michelle Goodman’s My So-Called Freelance Life, page 4Definition found on Thanks 🙂


Living Drive-Thru Free: My Lent Diary

29 Feb

Entry 2: Day 7, Turkey Sandwich w/ roasted tomatoes

So far, my Lent journey is still going strong. It’s only day seven, and I feel like I am making better food choices. I’m eating more fruits and veggies, less sugar, and drinking lots of water. Instead of Subway,I opted for something quick and easy and fast food proof. Here’s what I made ( The photos below are a tad blurry) :

Two slices of lightly toasted whole wheat bread, two slices of American cheese, and two slices of turkey glazed with honey and orange. (Two was the lucky number when I made this)

I added Two fixin’s : mustard and butter (I hate mayo.)

Roasted tomatoes seasoned with S&P and oregano

Finished product when throwned all together!


Quote Of The Week

27 Feb

Everyday, hour, minute, and second is an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality. Choose your time wisely.

Happy Monday 🙂


Doing A Good Deed Goes A Long Way

26 Feb


With heavy anticipation, I saw this movie on Friday. Just the title alone drew me in. It’s very evident that Mr. Perry never disappoints when it comes to his work, and I was very moved by this film. This is not a “movie review”, but a perspective of what I believe stood out.

Giving. Giving. The innocent act of giving. Tyler’s character in this movie was a selfless, patient, and compassionate individual. Although his character was super wealthy,  the message of giving and helping others the best way possible was very clear.

Doing something as small as helping someone with their bags, or opening the door are small acts of giving your care and concern for someone. It doesn’t always have to be about the material, nor should you wait for them  to appear. There is no way you can receive great things if you don’t give your heart  away to others.  Smile, make someone laugh, start a conversation with a stranger. Do a small deed that will impact and uplift someone else. I know it’s hard, and not everyday do I feel like doing it. But the best time to do something selfless is when you feel that way. Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds is a wonderful example of how a small deed can grow into a large reward (I’m trying not to give away too much info, just go see it!)


Ten Songs

26 Feb

Songs that are being played in heavy rotation on ignorant high volume levels…

**Disclaimer: Some of these songs have bad words in them, So don’t be alarmed. **

1. Somebody Come Get Me <–Melanie Fiona

2.  Closer <–Los

3. Unstoppable <–Los

4. Heartbeat<–Childish Gambino

5.  Not Over You<—Gavin DeGraw

6.  Someone Like You <–Adele (Who doesn’t like this?)

7. Answers <–Omen

8. Seek and Destroy <–Bridget Kelly (Lots of bad words in this one, lol)….Clean version here .

9.  Quickie (remix) <–Bridget Kelly

10. Ambition<–Wale ft Meek Mill & Rick Ross

Any songs you recommend? Let me know, I’m totally open to ANYTHING!!

music sources: Courtesy of YouTube and it’s users. Thanks 🙂


Living Drive-Thru Free: My Lent Diary

26 Feb

Entry 1:  Day 4, Fried Chicken

I was really in the mood for something salty, greasy, and crispy. Immediately, fried chicken came to mind. Instead of heading over to Popeye’s, I settled for some home-made fried chicken. Nothing fancy, but it  satisfied my craving!

Pre-cleaned, and seasoned with S&P.

Added these snippets.

Then dipped in a bowl of beaten eggs and herb spices…

Then drowned in flour…

Heated the oil with a few figs of garlic. That lets me know when the oil is hot and adds extra flavor!

Once the chicken drowns in flour, you have to drown it in the hot oil. Poor little guys.

The finished product. And of course, I ate all of them.


40 Days & Nights With No Drive-Thru?

24 Feb

A Rude Awakening. All the evidence in my car was a sure intervention!

Up until this past Tuesday, I realized that I’ve been filling my body with clutter and junk. So as Lent began, I said goodbye to any foods that come out of  a drive-thru window. I said goodbye to the foods that are wrapped in foil and is served within a 45-second time frame. I said goodbye to fast food!

Now, giving up fast food may seem like a generic decision, but  to give up something for 40 days has to mean more than just for the heck of it. Before Lent was approaching, I realized that I was creating a habit. If there wasn’t any food in the house cooked (or any at all), I would take my lazy butt straight over to the nearest drive-thru. The same amount of money I was spending could of been used towards some ingredients for a fun recipe. I really slacked off these past few months on my cooking.

With that said, Lent for me is about cleasning my body of processed, junk food and restoring it with the love that will come out of my pots and pans.  When you treat your body right, I feel that your spirit is lighter and your mind is more clear. Clarity is the main outcome that I want to endure after this journey. So, I’ve decided to document this journey with you all!

If you gave up something for Lent, try to journal  it  as you go along. Journal writing really helps with any process of your life (a whole other post for another day). With such a huge commitment made for a long period of time, you will be amazed about the growth and change you’ve made. I am for one, looking forward to breaking a very terrible habit and embarking a very interesting experience. I am so ready! Day 1 down, 39 more to go….Are you ready?


Vocab. Let’s Built Together!

23 Feb

This week’s word is Gentility.

Pronounced jen-til-i-tee.

It’s a noun.

It means: good manners and elegance.

How to use this word in “real life”?

Those new transfer students showed gentility towards the administration when they came to visit our classroom.

Word Source: Oxford American Dictionary (Copyrighted in 1980!) 


Do I Really Have To?

23 Feb

Do I really have to go there? Well, yes I think I do.

It seems as if people either don’t know, or don’t like to add the pleases and thank you’s in their mannerisms anymore. But I will tell you, saying please after asking for something, and thank you after getting something means more than you may think. Please and Thank You are two of the most powerful phrases in the history of manners (don’t mind the slight ignorance, I am venting.). Saying please shows your need for someone or something done for you. Thank you exudes your gratitude. When those words are lost in the form of communication, how do you think it makes one another feel?

Think about it this way, if someone asked you for a ride, and they didn’t say please, but jumped in your car anyway. Then as you reached to their destination, the person just hopped out of the car, and slammed your door (total pet peeve of mine!)*. Would you ever give that person a ride again? Heck no! So, put yourself in that situation. Do you want to leave that impression on the other person when you forget your manners? C’mon people, let us not go back to first grade on this issue. Just saying.

*Disclaimer: The scenario used in this post did not (and would be darned if it did) happen to me in real life.

Oh, and please don’t forget:

These two phrases go a very long way


A Simple Afternoon: A Day Off, A Book, & Fast Food.

20 Feb

There is nothing more exciting than a sunny day off.  I am off of work today, so I have some sort of advantage of enjoying sunny Mondays. Although the sun is not fooling me (it’s still cold!), I decided to take it in by enjoying a burger with fries and a great book.

I ordered this book about 2 two weeks ago, and I am now cracking it open. (I tend to read 2 books at a time, so this was on the waiting list!)  I’ll  make a review when I finish reading  it.

The point I am trying to make is, on days off from work, what do you do? Do you make that time useful? Exercise, cook, read, learn a new hobby? Do you ever just think about doing something to enhance yourself? I know it must be hard to think that way, especially when you have a family to sought after (that’s incredible too!).

But the littlest things you do for ourselves can give you the same reason why you wake up everyday, which can re-gain your gratitude! Even if  your trying a new recipe, or learning how to knit. Keep yourself focused on something that will bring passion, and stimulate your mind!