Archive | November, 2012

Quote of The Week!

12 Nov

Photo Source: Google Images

Happy Monday!

Sometimes, you really don’t realize the greatness that is in you. We were all born with some sort of gift that is able to reach the masses and change the world. Take Anne Frank for example. Who knew that the wisdom of this 14 year-old would create an classic piece of literature and open the hearts and minds of millions around the world. What’s sad is that she didn’t even live to see it….or maybe that’s the way it was intended to be? Find that  ‘thing’ that you were put on this earth to do. You never know where it might take you. But more importantly, you never know how many lives it can change!


Kendrick Lamar’s Album is The Ish!!

5 Nov

Photo Source: Google Images

I know, I couldn’t think of any better title for this post! Anyway, this past weekend has been mentally heightened musically. I’ve been supporting Kendrick Lamar since his Section 80 project and well, I couldn’t wait for this moment that he would release a studio album.

I don’t even know where to start! Good Kid, mA.A.d City takes you into the day in the life of Kendrick  growing up in Compton, CA. While driving his mother’s purple van, he explores all the adventures, with his friends, girls,and other schemes! It was creatively put together, using story telling and imagery, making you seriously feel that your right there with him. I also admire the incredible production done on this album. Kudos for that!

This was all around great piece of work. Kendrick did an amazing job bringing west coast hip-hop with an impeccable production back up in the likes of Dr Dre and others.
My FAVORITE Track : All of them. Believe me, that is ever so rare these days.

Go out and support great music y’all!

If you never heard of Kendrick Lamar (you’re crazy), here’s some songs that will get you warmed up:



Video content is courtesy of YouTube and it users!

Quote of The Week

5 Nov

Photo Source: Google Images

Happy Monday!!

I know this a toughie…I myself have a hard time admitting when I ‘m wrong. However, by holding yourself back from responsibility for your actions, you can’t move forward. Sometimes, we need to check ourselves when we stumble off (or in other words…eff up).

The universe (or whatever it is out there) will only give you what you give them. Take some time and look at yourself in the mirror and start admitting to the wrongs you’ve made. We ALL have done things and maybe said things we aren’t proud of. But no one is responsible for that but YOU!!

Start being accountable for your actions. If you cant face yourself with them, you can face anybody!
