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A Simple Afternoon: A Day Off, A Book, & Fast Food.

20 Feb

There is nothing more exciting than a sunny day off.  I am off of work today, so I have some sort of advantage of enjoying sunny Mondays. Although the sun is not fooling me (it’s still cold!), I decided to take it in by enjoying a burger with fries and a great book.

I ordered this book about 2 two weeks ago, and I am now cracking it open. (I tend to read 2 books at a time, so this was on the waiting list!)  I’ll  make a review when I finish reading  it.

The point I am trying to make is, on days off from work, what do you do? Do you make that time useful? Exercise, cook, read, learn a new hobby? Do you ever just think about doing something to enhance yourself? I know it must be hard to think that way, especially when you have a family to sought after (that’s incredible too!).

But the littlest things you do for ourselves can give you the same reason why you wake up everyday, which can re-gain your gratitude! Even if  your trying a new recipe, or learning how to knit. Keep yourself focused on something that will bring passion, and stimulate your mind!