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Bagel Love!

13 Sep

       Lately, I’ve been having this homesick  feeling not being in New York. It is weird because although I was only born in NY, I feel a sense of belonging every time I go back to visit. Maybe it’s because of Fashion Week, or the fact that I wish will be moving there soon (Power of affirmation)! Yesterday, I was browsing through my blog faves and I felt as if my girl Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere read my NYC “homesick” mind. She shared her stay in New York and also made these super yummy New York Style Bagels.

     Immediately, I thought to myself…WOW! I haven’t had a bagel from NYC in years (and I’ve visited many of times since then!). There is something about an NYC bagel that makes it special. The crispy outside and moist chewy inside…drools!

     I figured this would give me a taste of NY without leaving my house. So, I decided to give it a go with the recipe.It’s super easy to make! So call this ‘blogger jacking’, but hell, it’s so worth a try!

      I made plain bagels, but if your a “toppings” type of person, there are so many options! Here’s some pics of the fun I had in the kitchen:

For a flaky buttery taste, I brushed the top with butter as soon as they came out of the oven!

Shout out to Cupcakes and Cashmere for the inspiration!

Even BIGGER shout out to Sophisticated Gourmet for the recipe!


The Snack Attack.

5 Mar

Rice Krispie Treats

6 cups of Rice Krispie’s cereal

5 cups of Marmallows, melted with 1/2 stick of Margarine

When mixed together…The finished product!

You can also follow the recipe for this easy snack here!


Living Drive-Thru Free: My Lent Diary

5 Mar

Entry 3, Day 12, Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta

I was in the mood for some pasta and although I LOVE baked ziti, too much tomato sauce gives me mild heartburn (no bueno). However, I decided to whip up something else…here it is!

Three easy ingredients.

Grilled Chicken Breast sliced up.

Fettuccine Noddles

Garlic Flavored Alfredo Sauce….I was too lazy to make it from scratch.

I heated the sauce and grilled chicken breast on low heat while the noodles were boiling

Fettuccine Noodles Boiling…I added black pepper, a teaspoon of olive oil and a few pinches of salt in the boiling water for flavor.

Finished Product…Yumm 🙂


Living Drive-Thru Free: My Lent Diary

29 Feb

Entry 2: Day 7, Turkey Sandwich w/ roasted tomatoes

So far, my Lent journey is still going strong. It’s only day seven, and I feel like I am making better food choices. I’m eating more fruits and veggies, less sugar, and drinking lots of water. Instead of Subway,I opted for something quick and easy and fast food proof. Here’s what I made ( The photos below are a tad blurry) :

Two slices of lightly toasted whole wheat bread, two slices of American cheese, and two slices of turkey glazed with honey and orange. (Two was the lucky number when I made this)

I added Two fixin’s : mustard and butter (I hate mayo.)

Roasted tomatoes seasoned with S&P and oregano

Finished product when throwned all together!


Living Drive-Thru Free: My Lent Diary

26 Feb

Entry 1:  Day 4, Fried Chicken

I was really in the mood for something salty, greasy, and crispy. Immediately, fried chicken came to mind. Instead of heading over to Popeye’s, I settled for some home-made fried chicken. Nothing fancy, but it  satisfied my craving!

Pre-cleaned, and seasoned with S&P.

Added these snippets.

Then dipped in a bowl of beaten eggs and herb spices…

Then drowned in flour…

Heated the oil with a few figs of garlic. That lets me know when the oil is hot and adds extra flavor!

Once the chicken drowns in flour, you have to drown it in the hot oil. Poor little guys.

The finished product. And of course, I ate all of them.


40 Days & Nights With No Drive-Thru?

24 Feb

A Rude Awakening. All the evidence in my car was a sure intervention!

Up until this past Tuesday, I realized that I’ve been filling my body with clutter and junk. So as Lent began, I said goodbye to any foods that come out of  a drive-thru window. I said goodbye to the foods that are wrapped in foil and is served within a 45-second time frame. I said goodbye to fast food!

Now, giving up fast food may seem like a generic decision, but  to give up something for 40 days has to mean more than just for the heck of it. Before Lent was approaching, I realized that I was creating a habit. If there wasn’t any food in the house cooked (or any at all), I would take my lazy butt straight over to the nearest drive-thru. The same amount of money I was spending could of been used towards some ingredients for a fun recipe. I really slacked off these past few months on my cooking.

With that said, Lent for me is about cleasning my body of processed, junk food and restoring it with the love that will come out of my pots and pans.  When you treat your body right, I feel that your spirit is lighter and your mind is more clear. Clarity is the main outcome that I want to endure after this journey. So, I’ve decided to document this journey with you all!

If you gave up something for Lent, try to journal  it  as you go along. Journal writing really helps with any process of your life (a whole other post for another day). With such a huge commitment made for a long period of time, you will be amazed about the growth and change you’ve made. I am for one, looking forward to breaking a very terrible habit and embarking a very interesting experience. I am so ready! Day 1 down, 39 more to go….Are you ready?


A Simple Afternoon: A Day Off, A Book, & Fast Food.

20 Feb

There is nothing more exciting than a sunny day off.  I am off of work today, so I have some sort of advantage of enjoying sunny Mondays. Although the sun is not fooling me (it’s still cold!), I decided to take it in by enjoying a burger with fries and a great book.

I ordered this book about 2 two weeks ago, and I am now cracking it open. (I tend to read 2 books at a time, so this was on the waiting list!)  I’ll  make a review when I finish reading  it.

The point I am trying to make is, on days off from work, what do you do? Do you make that time useful? Exercise, cook, read, learn a new hobby? Do you ever just think about doing something to enhance yourself? I know it must be hard to think that way, especially when you have a family to sought after (that’s incredible too!).

But the littlest things you do for ourselves can give you the same reason why you wake up everyday, which can re-gain your gratitude! Even if  your trying a new recipe, or learning how to knit. Keep yourself focused on something that will bring passion, and stimulate your mind!