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Money Rehabilitation

3 Mar

Stage 1: The Intervention. 

You can’t see me, but I’m up against the wall. These bills and bank account statements decided to gather around, waited until I faced them and told me what I didn’t want to hear: “You need to get your s**t together, or else”.

“Or else what?”, dared I’d ask. Then those bills looked at me straight in the eye and said, “Or else.”

Now I know what your thinking, why didn’t I just toss those bills in the paper shredder? That would got rid of the truth. Then it hit me that I’ve been doing that way too many times. Over the past couple of months, I lost my balance on my budget, and responsibilities on paying my bills…on time. With it being the week of March, along with the slight intervention I had with my bills, I agreed to check into Rehab. Now, that I’ve faced intervention, I’m on stage 1. So, whats next? Not sure but that will the whole purpose of this experience. Anyone wanna join me?
