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I Can’t Stop Loving This Song!

10 Sep

Photo Source:

No lie, The very first time I heard this track, it was from one my favorite motivational speakers Eric Thomas (ET The Hip Hop Preacher). I couldn’t help but immediately find out who sings this song! Upon doing some research, I found out that the Massachusetts group, Fame Or Juliet penned this track called Dreams of Reality.

There  is something about this track that speaks so many volumes to me. It’s uplifting, leaves a dose of inspiration. Most importantly, the musical production was amazing!  In all, I really hope I run into these guys in the near future…I see HUGE potential in them!

Check some more of their stuff here!

**All video content is courtesy of YouTube and it users!


Kid Cudi’s New Ish!

3 Sep

Now I usually don’t boast about celebs and such propaganda on my site. However,  I LOVE this new Cudi track.  I’ll admit, as much I LOVE Kid Cudi’s music, I wasn’t too thrilled about the WZRD project. But this song gave me the “Man on the Moon” feel all over again! I’m so excited!  If you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, here it is:



By the way, I have yet to attend a Cudi show (added to my to-do list)!

**Video content is courtesy of YouTube and it’s users!


Ten Songs

9 Mar

These songs are being played at very ignorant  high volume levels… I thought I’d share what’s been blasting through my speakers at the moment! ENJOY!

You will notice that I added the year these songs were released just for fun. It kind of shows how old I go back when listening to music, lol. Anyway, as you were.

**Disclaimer: Some (well heck, most) of these songs have bad words in them. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.**

1. Pursuit of Happiness –>Kid Cudi 2009

2. Soundtrack To My Life —> Kid Cudi  2009

3.  Day N’ Nite –> Kid Cudi  2008-09

4. The Prayer–>Kid Cudi 2009

*[As you can see, I’m still in love with Kid Cudi’s Man On The Moon album]*

5.  Novacane–> Frank Ocean 2011

6. The Blast–> Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek  (my fav hip-hop track!)  2000

7.  One Mic–> Nas 2002

8.  Hold You Down–> Alchemist ft Prodigy & NiNa Sky (what ever happened to those girls?) 2004

9.  Addictive –> Truth Hurts ft Rakim (random much? I found this song on my shuffle mix , lol. But seriously, this song makes me want to take up belly dancing. I’m serious.)  2002

10. You Got Me –> The Roots ft Erykah Badu (I LOVE this live version with Jill Scott here!)  1999

Music Source(s): Courtesy of YouTube and it’s users. Thanks 🙂


Ten Songs

1 Mar

Songs that are being played at ignorant high volume levels at the moment

*Disclaimer: Some of these songs have bad words in them. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.*


1. The Righteous Remain– Voli

2. Liberation– Omen

3. Top of The World– Trey Songz

4. Good Girls Go Bad– The Game ft Drake

5. Nothing To Lose– K’Naan ft Nas

6. Freedom of Speech– Los

7. Refill-Elle Varner

8. So Fly– Elle Varner

9. Swim Good– Frank Ocean

10. One Man Army– Dee-1


Music Sources: Courtesy of YouTube and it’s users…Thanks!


Ten Songs

26 Feb

Songs that are being played in heavy rotation on ignorant high volume levels…

**Disclaimer: Some of these songs have bad words in them, So don’t be alarmed. **

1. Somebody Come Get Me <–Melanie Fiona

2.  Closer <–Los

3. Unstoppable <–Los

4. Heartbeat<–Childish Gambino

5.  Not Over You<—Gavin DeGraw

6.  Someone Like You <–Adele (Who doesn’t like this?)

7. Answers <–Omen

8. Seek and Destroy <–Bridget Kelly (Lots of bad words in this one, lol)….Clean version here .

9.  Quickie (remix) <–Bridget Kelly

10. Ambition<–Wale ft Meek Mill & Rick Ross

Any songs you recommend? Let me know, I’m totally open to ANYTHING!!

music sources: Courtesy of YouTube and it’s users. Thanks 🙂
