Tag Archives: quotes

Quote of The Week

17 Dec

Happy Monday!

Remember: Never let anyone step into your zone. Meaning, there is no reason that anyone should knock you for the things you do. The same goes for you. You never want to judge someone when at times,  have no idea what that person may be going through. NO ONE but you knows your life’s story, no matter how long they’ve known you for. No one thinks like you, dreams or lives life like you. Never let anyone step in and deter you from you being you!

Quote of The Week!

12 Nov

Photo Source: Google Images

Happy Monday!

Sometimes, you really don’t realize the greatness that is in you. We were all born with some sort of gift that is able to reach the masses and change the world. Take Anne Frank for example. Who knew that the wisdom of this 14 year-old would create an classic piece of literature and open the hearts and minds of millions around the world. What’s sad is that she didn’t even live to see it….or maybe that’s the way it was intended to be? Find that  ‘thing’ that you were put on this earth to do. You never know where it might take you. But more importantly, you never know how many lives it can change!


Quote of The Week

5 Nov

Photo Source: Google Images

Happy Monday!!

I know this a toughie…I myself have a hard time admitting when I ‘m wrong. However, by holding yourself back from responsibility for your actions, you can’t move forward. Sometimes, we need to check ourselves when we stumble off (or in other words…eff up).

The universe (or whatever it is out there) will only give you what you give them. Take some time and look at yourself in the mirror and start admitting to the wrongs you’ve made. We ALL have done things and maybe said things we aren’t proud of. But no one is responsible for that but YOU!!

Start being accountable for your actions. If you cant face yourself with them, you can face anybody!


Quote of The Week!

22 Oct

Happy Monday!

Always remember:

Take it easy! Obstacles always seem to occur right when your on the verge of success. That’s suppose to happen. You didn’t expect to reach your goals THAT easily…did you? Stay focus and never lose sight of the greatness that you know to deserve. There is a light at the end of the tunnel…but of course, you have to that darkness to see it!


Quote of The Week!

15 Oct

Photo: dailypositivequotes.com

Happy Monday!

Need some excitement in your life? Try following this message from Ms. Winfrey! Go on a mission conquering your dreams. You’ll learn through the successes, the failures, and most importantly, the successes! Succeeding will always outweigh the failures anyway…


Quote of The Week!

8 Oct

Photo Source: quoteslounge.com

Happy Monday!

Remember: Never try to live for other people. That would just kill your spirit. The whole purpose of living is to indulge into the life that the universe has created for you. Be yourself, live for you and your legacy would do the rest!

JAY-Z said it best:  “remind yourself, nobody’s built like you, you design yourself…”


Quote of The Week

1 Oct

Happy Monday!

The people who are mean, miserable, bitter,or hurt are just that….hurt. When someone in pain throws some of it towards you, send back LOVE. The worst thing you can do to someone in pain is give them more burdens to carry. Always show love to everyone, but add that and a smile to the painful…they need it the most!


Vocab. Let’s Build Together!

27 Sep

Today’s word is exhorting.

It’s a verb.

It means: to give urgent advice, recommendations, or warnings.

How can I use this word in real life?

The organization’s leader was exhorting the followers by having them listen to him and not the other workers.

I found this word while reading the classic, Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Definition was found on Dictionary.com

Quote of The Week!

24 Sep

Photo Source: Google Images


Happy Monday!

Always remember, when you lend a negative opinion of others, it says more about you as a person then the one your spitting fire towards. Aim your energy wisely!

Have a great week!


Quote of The Week!

17 Sep

Photo Source: http://thumbpress.com

 There ALWAYS a way to reach the vision God has laid out for you. Even if you have to fight through it. Even you have to struggle through it. Even if you have to cry through it. In the end, you WILL get through it! But it all starts with you making a way!

Have a great week ya’ll 🙂
