Tag Archives: reality tv

The Exploitation of Broken Spirits

17 Sep

Photo Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com

Brace yourselves ladies and gents…I am utterly passionate about this discrepency. I’ll try my best not to use blasphemy on this post. However, the boiling of my blood may not give my tingling, angry fingers as I am feverishly typing this, the benefit of the doubt.

I’ve shamefully watched and cringed at reality television shows like Basketball Wives, Love and Hip Hop, Jersey Shore, and the hundreds of others that is majorly consuming  it’s viewers of all race, age group, and culture. We live in a society where we are incredibly distracted by foolishness. And I for one am tired of it!

I’ve decided to post this because it has been on my mind for quite some time now. After what I’ve saw tonight,  perpetuated exactly everything that I was concerned about. The question was this: do these talk show hosts, Televangelists, Public figures serving as life coaches really give a eff  about the broken, lost spirits that come to them in grief and pain. Time and time again, I quickly notice the lack of genuineness on these shows. I am not one to be B.S.’d! And I feel bad for those falling into the consumption of the ambiguous train wrecks that they love to watch.

Photo Source: urbanbellemag.com

That is actually what we like to see right? A train wreck? We like to see an angry, raging, fighting, crazed bitch on TV designate her fame to only be more of  a crazed, raging bitch. Then when she is faced with a tribulation of the energy that she has reciprocated on TV, gets faced with even more public ridicule, blame, and exploitation from those who claim can “fix” her.  It’s a cycle that I have noticed too many times. But instead of deleting the negative imagery from public consumption, what do we do? Sit down in front of the television and continually support the a-holes that produce this ish to prolong the cycle…[whoo, I am on level TEN irate!]

What irritates me the most about this mess is that the top dogs [Producers, Writers, Entrepreneurs, etc.] that put these shows together know and understand the power of the numbers because let’s be real…That what this is all about. I’m all for making that C.R.E.A.M., but how about starting with the honest, genuine, non-mind gaming individuals who can make true impact.

I’m not knocking the qualifications of the people that are willing to help restore and change lives. I find anyone who is truly passionate about that amazingly inspiring! I am just saying,  I know authenticity from B.S. …ALWAYS have, ALWAYS will!

Television will forever and a day be the world’s largest influential force. How else are we suppose to improve and grow if all we see is deterring us from it. You can tell us not to watch, change the channel, and such. But all this mess has been beyond a fad. It inevitably everywhere!  The people that are watching it are totally hooked. Therefore, the networks execs are LOVING every minute (and dollar bill made) of it!!

Here’s why:

On the business side of things, these people are definitely laughing and skipping their Lou’s all the way to the bank! I will NEVER in life knock a person’s hustle. But, I would say this. Be mindful of who your idolizing and watching on TV!

To the broken hearts, spirits, and lost souls that are deeply in pain: I feel for you. I am not the one to say I know what’s right for you and how you should change your life.  I only know one person that I can count on and He has never let me down.
In all, I just had to put my frustrations about this out there. I truly believe, that if I want change, I have to be that change I want to see. Ish just doesn’t change overnight! However, it is the small steps to take in order to achieve it. I don’t want to knock the hustle of each person that plays a role in the ‘reality, therapy T.V.’ warp. I just know that there is way more intelligence in these execs to present more realness to the screen.

On one last note…to all the reality T.V. viewers: If your a fan of this foolery…kudos to you.  Just remember that you cannot complain about it if you support it. That is like complaining about how much you hate being with your boyfriend/girlfriend only to stay commited to them…**SIGHS**



Ever Thought About This?

18 Feb

Maybe it’s the insomnia that I’ve been having lately, or an epiphany. But with the influence of ‘reality’ television depicting  the way us girls interact with one another, really forces me to ask myself this question; “What Do I Stand For?” I know it sounds kind of confusing, so let me elaborate.

The reason why I brought up the reality show example is because these shows further perpetuate the way women behave not only amongst each other, but in relationships, and lifestyle. It is one thing to be inspired by something, but if you feel  trapped in a VH1 reality, designer bags and shoes like lifestyle, please read on. If not, I hope you know what you stand for.

Okay, so when I ask myself, “What do I stand for?”, I think of the things that are very valuable in my life. Now, I am not talking about clothes and shoes (although I love too) because they do not define me. Knowing what you stand for to me is:

  • Knowing who you are
  • Knowing what your gifts and talents are
  • Knowing what you can offer the world
  • Knowing who your circling yourself around, and if they add value to your life
  • Knowing how strong of a person you are

Now, I ask you again…WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR?? (yes, I am yelling!)

Without these minimal attributes, there is a 80% chance  your  living in someone else’s shadow. So, start self-evaluating yourself. Are you living life in your terms? Or your parents? Friends? BF/Husbands? Are you working in the career YOU want, making YOUR own choices, or even wearing the clothes YOU like? The smallest things can mean and show a lot of what you truly stand for.

At this point, you might be asking, “So, how do I discover this?”…Well, let me offer some assistance.

**DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional, but trust me, I been through this….

Start evaluating yourself. Figure out what it is that YOU like to do,eat, and wear. Find your passions and other things that bring you pure joy. Most importantly, start finding the significance of your surroundings. The people you associate with makes a HUGE significance! The more negative, small-minded people you hang around, will only create you to be the same.  So be aware!

These are just a few things to help you figure out this question: What do YOU stand for? What’s important to you? Never be afraid to ask yourself that question! It will make a big difference for YOU in the long run 🙂
